FSVP Agent Services

What is an FSVP agent?

There are two types of FSVP agents.  One type of agent provides consulting services to the foreign importer and US consignee to ensure that they meet all safety standards.  The legal responsibility to uphold FDA rules falls on the consignee.  The agent simply advises to ensure that US food safety requirements are met before import.

Alternatively, the foreign importer can designate a full FSVP agent.  This second type of FSVP agent carries the responsibility of reviewing all food safety documentation.  The agent will provide a DUNS number proving to the FDA that they have an office in the United States. They basically are telling the FDA that FSVP documentation is in order.  If an audit is requested, the FDA will follow up with the agent, rather than the importer, the consignee, or the US owner.

FSVP compliance services

Which type of FSVP agent are you?

We can serve as both types of FSVP agents.  We can advise you and your US consignee AND we can also serve as your full FSVP agent, carrying the responsibility to review all food safety documentation for compliance.

For more information about FSVP agents, please contact us for a free (no obligation) consult.

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